Assessing 2024 hospitality trends can focus concerns, tactics


Hospitality companies in the lodging, restaurant and gaming sectors have many reasons to see 2024 as a year of promise. 


In this podcast episode, Grant Thornton National Managing Partner of Hospitality & Restaurants Alex Rhodes analyzes current industry trends and discusses the hospitality trends he’s watching in 2024: 

  • Challenges to stability in the industry: how inflation, rising interest rates and global political instability are barriers to success and growth – and how to address these concerns 
  • Attracting back people who left the industry during the pandemic can work hand-in-hand with the adoption of automation to relieve chronic workforce shortages 
  • AI and other cutting-edge technologies bring potentialities and risks that hospitality leaders must navigate well

Listen to the podcast to hear Rhodes’ insights on hospitality lodging, gaming and restaurant business trends in 2024.




Hospitality & Restaurants industry: Top issues for 2024


What are the top issues that leaders need to keep in mind for 2024?


9:32  |  Transcript

Alex Rhodes

National Managing Partner, Hospitality & Restaurants



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